FasciaBlasting and Saunas for beauty,
longevity and wellness
Three science-based reasons that Saunas and
FasciaBlasting go together like peas and carrots.

Welcome to "Beauty and Beyond," where we explore the intersection of science, wellness, and beauty. In this blog, we delve into the scientific benefits of fasciablasting and sauna therapy. Fasciablasting regenerates the fascia, smooths skin, reduces cellulite, and has a host of other benefits. (1) Saunas, used for centuries, offer a range of health benefits from detoxification to longer lifespan. Modern research shows that regular sauna sessions can boost skin health, promote collagen production, and enhance overall wellness. (2) Combining these two practices can amplify your life, creating a powerful regimen. Join us as we explore the latest research on how Fasciablasting and Saunas can exponentially supercharge your life.
Saunas and FasciaBlasting For Beauty
Stimulate Collagen and Elastin Naturally

So, we all know that to have beautiful, tight skin, we need to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Now, let’s first talk about what collagen and elastin are; then, we can go into how to directly impact them with the “right” sauna and FasciaBlasting. It’s a good time to point out that the word ‘collagen’ is synonymous with fascia. Fascia contains an array of collagen type combinations including, but not limited to, types I, III, IV, V, VI, XI, XII, XIV, XXI. Fascia is made mostly of collagen, mixed in with some ground substance and hyaluronic acid. To dive deeper into this, check out my “What is Fascia” blogs and my blog about skin rejuvenation. For the purpose of this blog, just know that when we talk about collagen, we’re talking about fascia.
To understand how to harness collagen and elastin for our beautiful skin, let’s understand that they are two essential proteins that play crucial roles in maintaining the structure, strength, and elasticity of the skin. Here’s how each supports the skin:

Collagen: Collagen is the most abundant protein in the skin, forming about 75-80% of its dry weight.
Firmness: Collagen fibers (fascia) create a network that gives the skin its firmness and strength. They act like scaffolding, maintaining the skin’s integrity and preventing sagging.
Hydration: Collagen helps the skin retain moisture, keeping it hydrated and plump.

Elastin: Elastin is what gives the skin pliability and flexibility
Stretch and Recoil: Elastin fibers allow the skin to stretch and return to its original shape. This is crucial for skin flexibility and resilience. When you stretch your skin, elastin ensures it snaps back into place.
OK, we get it… Collagen and elastin help us have our 20-year-old skin.
So, what’s the best way to produce these naturally?
My top two picks are FasciaBlasting and Saunas. And these are my top two picks for good reason. They are the most scientifically proven methods, and they are totally noninvasive and natural.
There are other ways to produce collagen production, like chemical peels or other procedures, but these damage the tissue to create the result. Or collagen supplements, which have to penetrate the microbiome to be absorbed. So if you really want gorgeous skin all over your body… Hop in the sauna and blast away. Here’s what is happening at a cellular level.

FasciaBlasting has already been proven in peer-reviewed and published science to regenerate fascia tissue. In the science world, it’s called fascia remodeling, but remember, collagen fibers and fascia fibers are the same thing. Check out the ultrasounds from the study (1) on FasciaBlasting, where you can clearly see the “white stuff” reverse aging and return to smooth, hydrated, and new collagen fibers.

We believe that FasciaBlasting works to regenerate the skin and the deeper tissues below because in order to regenerate fascia, you need to apply mechanical pressure, stretch, and shear (4), which is exactly what FasciaBlasting does.

Pressure when you press

Stretching as you blast with the muscle fibers and fascia fibers

And shear when you penetrate between muscle fibers and create separation
These mechanisms have already been proven to set off cell proliferation of native collagen. And with over 2 million users, we’ve seen incredible results of what this looks like on the outside.

Fascia Blasting alone is a great way to have gorgeous native fascia and beautiful skin, and you can accelerate the process with the addition of a sauna. Now, I have recommended heating and FasciaBlasting for decades, but it’s not just the heat. Heat naturally softens fascia tissue, making treatments easier and more pleasurable. Still, new research shows that “the right sauna” with near infrared, visible red light at specific frequencies and the right infrared heat technology stimulates collagen and elastin production. Like FasciaBlasting, infrared saunas also stimulate stem cell production. (2) Infrared has been shown to move stem cells from marrow to aid in soft tissue repair like fascia and 👏 whoop whoop, skin!
This is science-backed beauty that feels almost too good to be true. Photobiomodulation, also known as light therapy, harnesses the power of invisible near infrared wavelengths (700 to 1,200 nanometers (nm)) and visible red light (620-750 nm) to energize your cells, including stimulating collagen and elastin. (2) Research confirms that these specific light frequencies have distinct benefits. Near infrared, especially at the ideal 880 nm, penetrates the skin most effectively. When applied to your skin, fibroblast cells soak up this light, kicking collagen and elastin production into high gear. Combine that with visible red light at 660 nm, and you've got a powerhouse duo. Over time, this dynamic combination results in thicker, younger-looking skin, diminished lines, faded scars, and overall skin rejuvenation, promoting cell health and tissue growth. (3)

FasciaBlasitng and Saunas can be powerful tools for stimulating fibroblasts and fascia cytes to restore collagen and elastin to a native, firm, and supple state! Make sure that your sauna has near infrared and red light, with the above parameters, so that you can get the scientific benefits beyond glorious heat.
FasciaBlasting in a Sauna
The latest science of Longevity

I’m going to have to piece the research together here because FasciaBlasting hasn’t been around long enough to study its effects on lifespan, but there are some markers and indicators that lead me to believe that one of the reasons mine and Jordi’s biological age is 20 years younger than our calendar age because we use FasciaBlasters regularly and in our sauna. A recent report from Stanford University stated that the risk of mortality from all causes was reduced by 40% in frequent sauna users compared to infrequent users. And the longer the duration, the better.
When the longevity story is eventually told, “I believe combining these two practices will be as important, if not more important, than nutrition and exercise.”

To keep this short, I’m going to toss you to my other blogs to understand why fascia is so important in general, but I will summarize here. *FasciaBlasting research showed in blood analysis, DEXA scan, and ultrasound to lower systemic inflammation, increase blood flow, remodel the fascia tissue, increase metabolism, increase REE and VO2Max, increase Irisin, and increase collagen production. Collectively, these impact the top 4 causes of premature death: Atherosclerosis (impacted by better blood flow and reduced inflammation), Cancer (impacted by reduced inflammation and increased irisin), and Neurodegenerative disease (impacted by remodeling fascia for plasticity), and foundation metabolic disease (impacted by metabolic increases and Irisin Increase). Each of these could be a blog, but for now, understand that FasciaBlasting alone affects very powerful mechanisms in the body.

Adding the sauna is amazing for the actual act of FasciaBlasting. Fascia responds so well to heat. It melts the tissue like butter, allowing you to blast deep into the muscles. Using heat to increase the effectiveness of the FasciaBlaster is all about enhancing blood flow and tissue flexibility. By raising the temperature of your skin and soft tissues, vasodilation occurs, boosting blood circulation. This increase in blood flow enhances oxygen uptake and accelerates tissue healing. Heat also makes tissues more extensible, which helps in breaking down fascial adhesions more effectively.
Applying heat through methods like hot packs, saunas, or infrared light energy before using the FasciaBlaster can warm up both superficial and deeper tissues. This not only prepares the fascia for more efficient manipulation but also helps in pain relief by stimulating heat-sensitive calcium channels, which can reduce pain signals. (8)
Heat exposure induces protective responses that promote cardiovascular health, such as increased heart rate, decreases in blood pressure, and improved blood flow. These mechanisms contribute to muscle mass maintenance and prevent muscle loss that can occur with aging. Studies also showed sauna use four to seven times a week lowered risk 66% of developing dementia compared to those who used saunas once per week. Proposed mechanisms for improved brain health in response to sauna include heat exposure and the subsequent cardiovascular response, increasing the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an important factor supporting the development of new neurons in the brain, and increased blood flow to the brain. Heat shock proteins also protect against brain disease.

I understand that this idea might be new to you, but research and real-life data certainly suggest that FasciaBlasting in the sauna could be one of the most powerful longevity tools we have. And what’s wrong with wanting to look good and have smooth skin as we age? It’s all about living better, longer, and more beautifully for me! I get FasciaBlasted 2x per week by a Fasciologist, and I self FasciaBlast 3-5x per week in my sauna. As the saying goes, “Science Don’t Lie!!!” I’ve pulled some more research, not directly related to longevity, but markers for aging that are impacted by both FasciaBlasting and Saunas that could contribute to longevity.
Check out the recent anti-aging research below, sorted by 5 impactful categories!

Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Mitochondria are like cell engines, providing energy (ATP) for every part of our body. In my What is Fascia 4 Blog, I explain that the mitochondria are floating in a sea of fascia called the mitochondrial MATRIX. With age, these engines can wear out, causing decreased ATP, increased oxidative stress, and impaired cellular energy metabolism. Infrared light boosts mitochondria with energy and makes more “engines” when necessary. Cell death, whether slow or fast, is the root of all diseases, which I discuss at length here.
Every cell in our body is powered by the chemical energy produced by mitochondria called "ATP." Mitochondria love infrared light and are designed to absorb the energy from light waves, like a car fuels up at the gas station.
Muscle cells can contain hundreds or thousands of mitochondria, depending on the cell's energy needs. Mitochondria produce ATP, the energy that powers every cell. They absorb infrared light like a car fuels up at a gas station. Muscle cells can have thousands of mitochondria, while skin cells have fewer. Since the body can't store ATP, mitochondria must work continuously. Infrared light boosts their function, ensuring cells have enough energy. This is why using infrared before a FasciaBlaster session can enhance results by energizing your cells and improving muscle and tissue health. (9)

As we age, cells can become dysfunctional, lingering like zombie cells, causing havoc and harm. This is known as cellular senescence, and it accumulates, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. Infrared therapy promotes tissue regeneration, like the FasciaBlasters, and boosts anti-apoptotic proteins, safeguarding cell survival and combating aging.

Chronic Inflammation
Inflammaging (age-related inflammation) accelerates the aging process, increasing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, dementia, and cardiovascular conditions. Infrared sauna therapy counters inflammation by inducing anti-inflammatory genes, penetrating deep into the skin to activate immune cells and relieve pain, ultimately slowing down the aging process. FasciaBlasting was shown to reduce the C-reactive protein, the main systemic marker for inflammation. Together, they could be very powerful for autoimmune and other inflammation-based diagnoses.

Gut Dysbiosis
A healthy gut is a balanced, diverse microbial community that promotes digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. FasciaBlasting helps restore the structure of the intestines, which are partially made of fascia, and our ICE exercises help support the gut “framework.” You can read more here. In addition, infrared therapy aids gut health by reducing systemic inflammation and promoting detoxification.

Stem Cell Exhaustion
In the science of longevity, stem cell exhaustion plays a significant role in aging and age-related diseases. Stem cells act like Swiss Army knives, vital for tissue repair. With age, their regenerative capacity declines, impacting overall health. Infrared therapy has been shown to mobilize stem cells from bone marrow, aiding tissue repair and healing to promote healthy aging. We already know from our skin blog that FasciaBlasting releases stem cells from the stem cell reservoirs to aid in tissue repair. (5)
Get that junk out!!!
Natural detoxification from the inside out

This is where FasciaBlasting and Saunas really go together so beautifully. In my blog and free 30-day program, The Great Reset, I went to great links to help my users understand the amount of chemicals that modern life can dump into our bodies, and I gave many strategies on how to get them out. Everyone seems to be focused on the lymphatic system, but the lymphatic system is so intertwined with the liquid fascia system that some now consider it to be one and the same. (6) The fascia is one giant system that houses all the liquid systems, like blood, and the structural systems, like our liver, so restoring the fascia system could be a big win for all the detox systems. And don’t forget that fascia itself is a giant sponge that soaks up blood plasma and toxins, sorts them, and sends them back into the blood or lymph systems… kind of like the goalkeeper in a soccer game.

So, although we don’t have formal research around detoxing and FasciaBlasting, I think it’s safe to say that very deep tissue detoxing can bring old “stuff” to the surface and ultimately out of the body. One Naturopathic Doctor and FasciaBlaster user captured in live blood imaging the “stuff” coming out of the fascia tissue post-blast and the recovery from that. This is fascinating stuff. When Fascia Blasting first hit the market, we would have interesting stories of detox, such as a woman who smelled cigarettes while Fascia Blasting had quit 20 years before. We had a woman who thought she had “pimples” after faceblasting, but as the pimples popped, there were tiny pieces of glass from a childhood car wreck. We’ve had reports of recovered heroin addicts getting high after blasting their backs, and so on and so on.
Infrared saunas detoxify the body through two powerful pathways: inducing sweat to eliminate bioaccumulated toxic elements, heavy metals, pollutants, and other toxicants and supporting the organs of elimination, such as the liver and kidneys. Studies have demonstrated that sweating in infrared saunas can effectively reduce the levels of harmful substances in the body, especially as compared to blood and urine (10)(11). Paired with FasciaBlasting, it's a powerful combo for maintaining your beauty, well-being, and longevity.
I always say,
“You wouldn’t leave your week’s worth of garbage, let alone your lifetime of garbage, sitting in your living room,” right? It would stink and fester and destroy everything around it over time.
The body works the same way. We need to take in as little “garbage” as possible and take it out regularly, and FasciaBlasting and Saunas are two powerful ways to do this.
Healthy bodies have healthy cells and fascia that manage the chemical exchanges with nutrients and minerals. Environmental toxins can hinder that, affecting energy, stamina, pain, insomnia, obesity, mental health, and more. (10)(11) Perspiration, respiration, and elimination are the natural ways our bodies expel the metabolic waste produced inside us.
It’s no secret that I love my Sunlighten brand infrared saunas, but this particular technology, combined with its 25-year history and superior infrared and light technologies, is something to point out here. It’s not just being hot. It’s the right kind of hot.

Sunlighten’s patented SoloCarbon® infrared heating technology gives you the best detoxification experience because it is clinically proven to raise core body temperature by three degrees. You experience a deep, productive sweat from your cells as the SoloCarbon infrared waves penetrate your skin and heat your core to expel the toxins, rather than just sitting in hot, ambient air that only heats your outer skin. It’s a more enjoyable and more productive sweat, rather than an uncomfortable, stifling hot and less-productive sweat.
The whole point of this section is to emphasize that you need the “right” sauna and that you need to add FasciaBlasting. Sauna for 45 minutes and take breaks when necessary. I personally jump into the cold plunge intermittently and sometimes step out of the sauna to blast. This is not a simple “sweat it out”; this is for the purpose of DEEP DETOX! Try it, and I am sure you will feel an incredible difference!
The FasciaBlasting Sauna Lifestyle
Two of the most important things you can do for health span and life span

Incorporating FasciaBlasting and regular infrared sauna sessions into your daily routine can profoundly impact your overall health span and lifespan. FasciaBlasting helps you get to deep tissue regeneration and detoxification, and saunas offer a myriad of benefits, from overall health to longevity. Together, these practices not only support physical health but also contribute to relaxation and de-stressing. By dedicating time to these self-care routines, youre investing in a holistic approach to health that fosters beauty and vitality. Embrace the science-backed benefits of FasciaBlasting and saunas to jump-start your body, leading to a healthier, happier, and more gorgeous you.
“I co-founded Sunlighten 25 years ago, inspired by my brother’s amazing health transformation through infrared sauna use. I am still obsessed with helping others transform, and I love to partner with other legacy brands that are built on science. That’s why I love FasciaBlasting. I know I am doing something exceptional for my body.”
- Connie Zack

“As an inventor, I always begin with peer-reviewed and published science. When I bought my sauna, I already knew saunas were beneficial and a great compliment to FasciaBlasting, but what I didn’t know was how different the technologies and quality were. My Sunlighten EmPulse is the absolute top-of-the-line and one of the most significant investments I’ve made in my health.”
- Ashley Black
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SHOP NOWCited Works
4. The discovery of a new cell at the 2018 Fascia Research Congress in Berlin
5. Shiseido Discovers that Capillaries Promote Epidermal Regeneration | NEWS RELEASE
6. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation - PMC
7. Detection of Lymphatic Vessels in the Superficial Fascia of the Abdomen - PMC
8. Thermotherapy - Physiopedia
9. Mitochondria—Fundamental to Life and Health - PMC
* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease
Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.
She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.
Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.
In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work.